
“Trust and believe in yourself and see what’s destined for you. Never give up mentality!”

Morgan’s Testimony

My name is Morgan Mitchell, a recent graduate of the Florida A&M Women’s Basketball team. My journey to get to the division I stage was nowhere near easy. I made the tough decision to JUCO due to not having the college offers I felt as though I could achieve coming out of high school. I’ve always been seen as someone who “gets it out of the mud” and to get out of JUCO I had to get it out of the mud. One piece of advice I can give to any young athletes is to be 2 things: the hardest worker and BE YOURSELF. 

Morgan is a High School Girls’ Basketball Coach

You can achieve any goal you put your mind to! I was never the fastest, strongest, or smartest but what always set me apart from the rest was my work ethic and mindset. I have the mindset that I will do whatever it takes to be successful and I was going to always put maximum effort into it. Don’t let anyone talk down or discourage you from chasing your dreams, they are your dreams for a reason so go out and prove it to yourself that you can do it.

Youth Sports to NFL

Carlos’ Testimony

Dear Student Athlete,

As a college graduate and football athlete who is now headed to the NFL, I want to share with you some words of encouragement and advice. First and foremost, I want to stress the importance of choosing your friends wisely. Surround yourself with positive influences who will support your dreams and aspirations. The people you surround yourself with can have a big impact on your success both on and off the field.

Secondly, don't neglect your academic responsibilities. Excelling in the classroom is just as important as excelling on the field. Strive to be a well-rounded student-athlete and give your best effort in all aspects of your education.

Lastly, always do your best in your sport. Practice hard, train hard, and play hard. Remember that the journey to success is not easy, but with dedication and perseverance, anything is possible.

I know that pursuing a career in sports can be challenging, but always believe in yourself and your abilities. Stay focused, work hard, and never give up on your dreams. You have the potential to achieve greatness both on and off the field.

I wish you all the best in your athletic and academic endeavors.


DJ Golatt (Youth Sports to NFL)

Justin Oakley’s Testimony

“Your journey is your journey and that’s what makes it unique. The road wasn’t always smooth for me but I chose to see it through because everything happens in God’s timing. If you want to play at the next level it takes a great level of attention to your craft and sacrifice as well. Be grateful for your process and what comes with it because the greatest teacher is experience.”

Youth Sports to College

Ian Clement’s Testimony

I followed the process that this organization offers to the academic athlete. I played baseball as a youth, attended Riverdale Baptist High School in Maryland, and continued my baseball career at a College in SC. I came from an underserved situation but I decided to use my circumstances as motivation to push forward and live my dreams of playing baseball at the next level. No matter what comes your way never give up- have a NO-QUIT MENTALITY!

Ian C. - College Baseball Coach